India has its fair share of stories that may not have a logical explanation but continue to arouse our curiosity to this day. These are similar to the existence of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland and the Yeti in the Tibetan Himalayas, both of which people have not been able to explain. A few claim to have experienced them, while others think of different theories to justify their existence. Here are some legends that have some Indians convinced that the supernatural works in the most mysterious of ways.
1. Kuldhara

Members of the Paranormal Society of Delhi stayed the night and reported supernatural happenings such unexplained moving shadows, footprints, noises and touching of members.
2. Muhnochwa

The hype gradually died down when police went all out to convince people that the existence of this creature was a rumour and that the victims who were affected were probably injured by an unexplained force of nature.
3. Monkey Man

4. Nale Ba Day
In the '90s, Bangalore was abuzz with rumours of a witch walking the streets in the dead of the night, knocking on doors and calling out to victims in the voice of their mother. If the door was answered, the person died. The solution, write "Nale ba" on the door which means come tomorrow, this meant the witch would return the next day, see the sign and the cycle would continue.
Being Bangalore, we were not surprised that the ghost was literate and was considerate enough to not disturb the residents after seeing the sign. She probably got sick of coming again and again.
5. The 'White Lady' of Sanjay Van
6. The wolves of Pavagada, Karnataka

Another theory came up that it was probably the work of tantriks from the Madakshira region who practiced black magic and offered these children as human sacrifices to Goddess Kali. The police were unable to carry out the investigation due to the lack of co-operation from villagers who were too afraid to go against tantriks who could kill with their dark sorcery. The police and the forest department were at loggerheads, but the government backed the wolf theory even as the issue raged on in the Legislative Assembly.
7. The Mystery of Malcha Mahal

It is believed that the descendants of Nawab Wajid Ali still live there having secluded themselves from the outside world with no modern amenities. There is a huge sign stating that all trespassers will be gunned down or have hounds set on them.
The guards of the nearby Earth Centre and forest officials have reported journalists sneaking into the premises, never to return again.
Read Full Story: India Times