Showing posts with label Strangest. Show all posts
5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Pieces Of Footage Caught By NASA

5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Pieces Of Footage Caught By NASA

We have all heard about NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration that covers all thing to do with space research and explorat...
Top 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries

Top 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries

From the 'Oakville Blobs' to 'Who Put Bella In The Witch Elm?', here is a look at ten of the strangest unsolved mysteries. W...
7 Strangest Sights and Sounds from the Sky

7 Strangest Sights and Sounds from the Sky

From UFOs hovering over airports to things trailing airplanes to things falling from the sky and leaving strangely shaped holes in the groun...
7 Strangest Cities and Towns on Earth

7 Strangest Cities and Towns on Earth

From a city of garbage to one with lots of little people to a town of champions...these are the 7 Strangest Cities and Towns on Earth. Check...
7 Strangest Historical Mysteries that Will Baffle You

7 Strangest Historical Mysteries that Will Baffle You

From giant unexplained explosions to monuments 10,000-20,000 years old to the idea that Christopher Columbus may never have even existed, th...
7 Most Strange Unidentified Creatures Ever Caught On Tape

7 Most Strange Unidentified Creatures Ever Caught On Tape

From strange looking hairy dolphins to Loch Ness Monster type creatures, here are seven of the most strange unidentified creatures caught on...
8 Strangest Things People Have Found Inside Their Walls

8 Strangest Things People Have Found Inside Their Walls

From witch craft paraphernalia to X-rated board games, here is a look at 8 strangest things people have found inside walls. and check this o...
Top 20 Creepiest Urban Legends From England

Top 20 Creepiest Urban Legends From England

In the land of England, exists many legends of monsters, curses, and even some involving the Devil himself. Strange, otherworldly creatures ...
5 Strangest & Mysterious Things Caught By NASA On Mars!

5 Strangest & Mysterious Things Caught By NASA On Mars!

From gorillas all he way down to monster crabs , Mars isn’t the barren wasteland you once thought it was. Its actually pretty mysterious pla...
5 Strangest Things Grown In A Lab

5 Strangest Things Grown In A Lab

Top 5 strangest things grown in a lab... Miniature balls, human-animal hybrids, artificial life with a secret code, human brains, and the in...
5 Strangest Bodysnatchings in History

5 Strangest Bodysnatchings in History

Dark5 presents 5 strange, creepy, and mysterious cases of tomb raiders and body snatchers in history, including a nude Mormon panic, a docto...
5 Strangest Fake and Abandoned Cities

5 Strangest Fake and Abandoned Cities

5 strange fake cities designed to be invaded, blown up, or just to play pretend. Including China's fake Paris ghost city, a Mars colony ...
World War 2's 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries

World War 2's 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries

From the Lost Squadron to Foo Fighters, here is a look at ten of WWII's strangest unsolved mysteries. and check out our recent show. THI...
Top 15 STRANGEST Unidentified Creatures Ever Found

Top 15 STRANGEST Unidentified Creatures Ever Found

From the Mothman to the Metepec Creature, here are fifteen of the strangest unidentified creatures ever found. and check this out.
9 Strangest Bigfoot Theories

9 Strangest Bigfoot Theories

From mysterious alien conspiracies to secret underground dwellings with infrared eyes, these are the 9 most insane bigfoot theories of all t...
10 Strangest Planets In Space

10 Strangest Planets In Space

Space is unbelievably strange. You would be forgiven for thinking that every planet out there is similar, just a big ball of rock and gas, b...
5 Strangest Radio Stations & Most Mysterious Transmissions

5 Strangest Radio Stations & Most Mysterious Transmissions

From an unexplained Russian radio station playing strange sounds, to the infamous Yosemite Sam broadcast... Here are five eerie radio statio...
11 Creepiest Ghost Boats

11 Creepiest Ghost Boats

These boats are surrounded in mystery and really creep people out. Like ghost boats washed up without their crew & no explanation!! Tall...
5 STRANGEST Unsolved Internet Mysteries Still Unexplained...

5 STRANGEST Unsolved Internet Mysteries Still Unexplained...

Top 5 Unknowns takes a look at five of the strangest unsolved internet mysteries that are still unexplained. Leave a comment and let us know...
5 Strangest Objects Found Orbiting Earth

5 Strangest Objects Found Orbiting Earth

A lost "astronaut," the alien Black Knight satellite, top secret trash bags, a creepy soccer ball, and mysterious "life"...