Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts

5 Most Mysterious Photos from the Moon

UFO sightings, aliens, a secret moonbase and a NASA conspiracy theory... presenting the 5 most mysterious photos from the moon. and check ou...

16 TRUE Horror ALIEN & Extraterrestrial Encounters from the Internet

Why are they here? What do they want? Some abductees feel calmness and even peace towards their nightly space visitors. Yet more abductees f...

10 Mind Blowing Facts About Black Holes

From being spaghettified to nothing, even light, escaping its grasp, here are 10 amazing facts about black holes.

10 Unsolved Mysteries of Space

Strange noises from the depth of space, unexplained gas bubbles circling the earth, and mysterious moons are just three of the unexplained s...

NASA posted a picture of a space crab on mars! "Nothing to see here, move along"

And then—get this—THEN they accidentally posted a picture of it online . And then some people spotted it and called a spade a spade crab a...

Footage Of UFO Passing Virgin Atlantic Plane NEW VIDEO!

An amateur filmmaker may have captured footage of UFO passing Virgin Atlantic plane. The footage appears to show object flying past passenge...

5 Mind Blowing Facts About Space

Deep space, Dark matter & Energy, The Suns incredible power, Diamond planets & Black holes are just a tiny fraction of the incredibl...

Top 10: Questions Left Unanswered By Science

When you take a minute to think about it, there are so many things we still don’t have definite or even well-substantiated answers for. From...

UFO ALIEN COVER-UP - Mysteryquest

MysteryQuest examines claims that there is conspiracy to cover-up the existence of aliens. It examines whether there is a secret military ba...

Shocking Alien Abductions - Unexplained Mysteries

An in-depth and thorough exploration into alien abduction and the phenomenon it has caused. Alien abduction is no longer a science fiction t...

Strange Sound In The Sky Heard All Over The World

A mysterious noise from the sky is continuing to baffle people all over the world.

Are There Aliens On Ceres?

NASA's Dawn spacecraft sent new images of the glowing lights on the surface of Ceres. What they are has scientists baffled.


Are humans the result of genetic experiments performed by an alien race thousands of years ago?


These people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Are their stories true?

Alien Space Mysteries - National Geographic (Documentary HD)

The possibility of alien life seems to be turning into a reality, but will we find alien greys travelling the universe or aquatic life on Eu...

Oliver Williams - The John Titor Time Travel Story

Here is an interview with Oliver Williams on The Moore Show talking about the story of John Titor. Was John Titor a real time traveler or ju...

Police Officer's UFO Sighting Account Wisconsin 1976

The UFO sighting account of George Wheeler 1976 Elmwood, Wisconsin.

Alien Abductions And Time Travel, Are They Related?

The Fortean Slip Daily Dose 45 Today Chris and Fred talk about alien abductions and whether or not there is a connection with time travel. T...

5 Celebrities Who Have Seen Aliens

This is a compilation of 5 (five) celebrities who have encountered an alien at least once in their luxurious lifestyle. Could it have been t...

Unexplained object caught on video in Florida museum (video)

TITUSVILLE, Fla. - A mysterious sighting on surveillance video at a local attraction has staff and visitors wondering if the century-old ...