Showing posts with label Encounter. Show all posts

Arizona Campers Spooked By Rock Throwing Bigfoot

Carlton M. and eight of his buddies had one of the spookiest moments of their lives while camping up in northern Arizona. The guys with him ...

New Bigfoot Sighting Alpine Loop Slowed Down And Zoomed In Enhanced

The man who sent in this footage says that he was out scouting for hunting season when he saw something walking but then it ducked down into...

Bigfoot Sightings Of 2015

Here is a collection of  Bigfoot sighting accounts from this year for you to check out including the 911 call that a woman made recently abo...

Bigfoot Hunted by a Helicopter?

On February 17, 2011, a video was posted to YouTube with the title ‘Bigfoot hunted by helicopter’. It was filmed at an unknown location and ...

5 Very Scary Videos Of Ghosts Caught On Camera

Here are 5 of the scariest videos that seem to show paranormal activity caught on camera. which one was the creepiest? and check out the sto...

Mermaid, Alien, Captured By Diving Vessel Camera?

Here is a video of a supposed mermaid taken from inside a diving vessel. What do you think? and check out the story of the Charles Mill Lake...

Man Fly Fishing Catches Bigfoot On Video

This fly fisherman had no idea he was being watched. You can see the black figure coming out of the bushes to take a peek. and check out our...

Terrifying Tales Of The Dogman Part 2

In part 2 Vic Cundiff and the boys of Bigfoot Outlaw Radio discuss more terrifying encounters with the Dogman. To check out part one click h...

Top 5 Loch Ness Monster Sightings

Here are five Loch Ness Monster sightings for you to check out. What do you think? and check out the the story of the Charles Mill Lake Mons...

Campers Haunted By Bigfoot Enounter Years After It Happened - BCS

Marty, Steve and Jerry wanted to go camping for a week near Yosemite National Park. Backpacking and hiking the trails seemed like a fun adve...

2 Men Attacked By Bigfoot While Investigating A Sighting Report In Washington State 2015 - BCS

Jack and George were Bigfoot investigators in Washington State near the Canadian border. They received an encounter report from a farmer jus...

Prince Edward Island Bigfoot (Breakdown)

In June of 2001 while shooting a scene for a movie, these gentlemen recorded something black and furry bolting from the treeline and running...

Missouri News Anchor Has Possible Bigfoot Encounter While Camping

Maria Neider of KY3 News in Missouri is an award winning, well respected news anchor. That's why a lot of people were amazed when she po...

Bigfoot And Paranormal Detective Work In The Field

The Fortean Slip Episode 93. This week Chris and the fellas interview the Squatchdetective himself, Steve Kulls and discuss with him his for...

Bigfoot Terrorizes Children Alone In Home

Children alone at home encounter a creature in Washington state. This is the story of The Bald Hills Creature. and check out the legend of t...

10 Most Mysterious Animal Sightings

From bigfoot to mothman, we take a look at the 10 most mysterious animal sightings. and check out the story of the Chase Mill Lake Monster.

Monster Rises From Lake And Chases Boys

In 1959, three young men from Ohio claimed to have had a face-to-face encounter with one of the most bizarre critters ever to emerge from a ...

5 Mysterious Sightings of Real Men in Black - Dark5

Are they government agents or something more... alien? Often showing up after UFO sightings or extraterrestrial incidents, Dark5tv presents ...

Bigfoot Invades Cabin Community In Lower Oregon - BCS

Welcome to another Bigfoot campfire story. As we get closer to Halloween the scarier stories start to come out. and check out our show from ...

Fire Fighters Watch Bigfoot Flee From Forest Blaze 2015 - BCS

Check out this story of firefighters seeing a group of Sasquatch flee from a forest fire. and check out our show from this week. THIS WEBCAS...