Showing posts with label Creature. Show all posts

Bigfoot-like Creature Boards A UFO And Flies Away

In 1980 in a remote section of the Andes mountains, two men encountered a bigfoot-like creature as it boarded a UFO and flew away. This is t...

The Bonnacon - Cryptids and Monsters

The bonnacon is a mythical animal from the region of Macedonia. It has curled horns and when scared sprays acidic dung that burns on contact...

10 Year Old Boy Sees Pterosaur-Like Creature

A ten year old boy in New Mirpur City, Pakistan claims to have seen a pterosaur-like creature. While on a family trip the boy spotted the cr...

Top 15 STRANGEST Unidentified Creatures Ever Found

From the Mothman to the Metepec Creature, here are fifteen of the strangest unidentified creatures ever found. and check this out.

The True Story Of The Fouke Monster

Stories of bipedal humanoid creatures terrorizing people capture the attention of many a cryptid seeker. In May of 1971 the Fouke Monster ma...

10 Types of Dragons You Didn't Know About

Water dragons? Dragons without wings? 8 headed dragons? Find out about all of the dragon species here... and check out our show from this we...

Strange Figure On Wildlife Camera - Classic Breakdown

What the is this? A fairy? An alien? A vampire? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a closer look at this. What do you think? and check this o...

Deep Sea Alien Creature Captured On Video?

Creatures of the deep can be captivating and strange and often stir up images of alien beings lurking beneath the idyllic surface of the oce...

Mantracker Bigfoot Video - Classic Breakdown

Was there some kind of Sasquatch type creature seen on the TV show, Mantracker? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown sent this classic breakdown int...

Top 10 Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed

Is truth stranger than fiction? Find out about the real creatures that inspired the mythical beasts seen in fairy tales... and check out our...

Strange Creature Found In River By Volunteer Firemen

This creature was found in a river in Paraguay. What is it? and check out the legend of the Pope Lick Monster.

Strange Creature Destroying Cars In Oklahoma

The Fortean Slip Midnight Rendezvous Episode 5 This week Chris and Skyla look at the new Krampus trailer, a creature destroying cars and sci...

Man Shoots A Bigfoot Near His Barn In Oregon - BCS

When a man and his brother decide to investigate some strange encounters on their neighbors farm they never expected a Myth to come to life....

Top Ten Shocking Mystery Creatures

This is a list of the top ten mystery creatures. These photographs and specimens have baffled the experts on what they are and where they ca...

Creature Caught On Tape In Holland?

Here is a closer look at the recent footage of a creature caught on film in Holland.

Man Awakened By Angry Bigfoot In Alaska - BCS

This prospector went panning for gold near Nome Alaska it wasn't just the Grizzly bears that he had to be on the watch for. Let's he...

5 Most Powerful Mythological Dragons From Around the World

Did dragons from myths and legends ever exist? If so, here are some of the most powerful and terrifying dragons from around the world.

Top 15 CREEPY Hidden Things In Pictures

Here are fifteen creepy things hidden in pictures.

Shocking True Story Of The Loveland Frogman

In 1972 a police officer saw a creature he could not explain. This is his story.

Beast Of Bray Road Sighting Account Fall Of 1989

Bar manager Lorianne Endrizzi saw a wolf-like man on the side of Bray Road in 1989. This is her story.