Showing posts with label Breakdown. Show all posts

Massive UFO Disc Caught Over India (Breakdown)

These images of a UFO over India have been making their way across the intertubes. Now Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this and...

Prince Edward Island Bigfoot (Breakdown)

In June of 2001 while shooting a scene for a movie, these gentlemen recorded something black and furry bolting from the treeline and running...

City In The Sky Over Fochan China (breakdown)

The city in the sky video taken over Fochan, China has been taking the world by storm. Scientists are claiming it is nothing more than a tri...

Bigfoot Chasing Car In Colorado (Breakdown)

If you haven't seen it yet, there is a new Bigfoot video running around the interwebs taken from inside a car at a backup camera screen....

Proof Patterson "Bigfoot" Was Around 6 And A Half Feet Tall (Parabreakdown)

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes another look at the famed Patterson-Gimlin film. and check out our news from this morning. THIS WEBCAST I...

Bigfoot Runs From Explosion - Breakdown

Phil Poling over at Parabreakdown is at it again. This time he is looking at this video of two gentlemen shooting at explosives for fun when...

New Jersey Devil Footage Enhanced (Commentary)

Our good friend Phil Poling of Parabreakdown fame took some time out of his insanely busy schedule to look at this video of the Jersey Devil...

Most Impressive Bigfoot Ever? (Breakdown)

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this video by Ronald Von Beringe of a supposed Bigfoot. Is this the elusive creature? Take a lo...

Scary Lake Monster Attacks Woman - Breakdown

Here is a breakdown of a video of a supposed lake monster in Lake Champlain attacking a woman by our good friend Phil Poling of Parabreakdow...

Real Pterosaur Spotted Over Idaho, USA? - Breakdown

Are there flying dinosaurs among us? Phil Poling takes a look at the pterosaur over Idaho video and gives us his thoughts. and check out the...

Frightened Farmer Films Massive Bigfoot (Commentary)

Yet another bigfoot video circulating on the interwebs. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a closer look and gives us his thoughts. Take a l...

Bigfoot Caught On Tape Looking Through Window 2015 - Breakdown

Phil Poling is on a roll today. Here is another Bigfoot video of a supposed Bigfoot looking through the window. Parabreakdown takes a closer...

Meteor or UFO Exploding Over New York. (a Breakdown)

Is this a real meteor or UFO exploding over New York? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at and breaks down the footage.

The Slender Alien of Nuevo Laredo Mexico July 2015 - Breakdown

This footage taken in July of 2015 seems to show an elongated creature moving across a rooftop. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown has taken a loo...

Western Oregon Flyfishing Bigfoot - Breakdown

Another Bigfoot video has been released of a man fly fishing with a Bigfoot that seems to peek out and take off. Phil Poling has done his th...

Yorkie Saves Man From Bigfoot - Breakdown

Yesterday I posted a video that a tourist on vacation with his pet Yorkie had taken with his phone of a supposed Bigfoot. Phil Poling of Par...

Real Mermaid Caught On Tape - Breakdown

Does the video this image comes from show a real mermaid caught on tape in the Northeastern United States? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown take...

Bigfoot Caught On GoPro Attached To Dog - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown looks at this piece of footage of a supposed Bigfoot caught on a GoPro camera attached to a dog and gives us hi...

Monster Takes Little Girl - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage of a monster taking a little girl and gives us his thoughts. Leave a comment and l...

Possessed Maid Caught On CCTV (commentary)

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this possessed maid caught on CCTV video and gives us his thoughts. Leave a comment and let us ...