Showing posts with label Breakdown. Show all posts

Bigfoot Creature Filmed At Barrington Quarry In Western Australia - Breakdown

Check out this odd creature caught on tape in Western Australia. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage and gives us his ...

Alien Or Demon Shot By Farmer - Breakdown

Is this the clearest video of La Tunda every shown? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at the footage and gives us his thoughts. What...

Maryland Goatman - Commentary

The images of the 'Maryland Goatman' have been making the rounds. Phil Poling over at Parabreakdown decides to give us a candid look...

Shocking Bigfoot Vs. Bear Video - Breakdown

Here is a look at a video posted to youtube of a bear and a bigfoot fighting by our friend Phil Poling of Parabreakdown. He gives us the ful...

Shocking Dogman Photo Caught On Camera - Breakdown

This photo was posted by Joe Black on September 20th 2015. Does it show the Dogman? Chris York of The Fortean Slip takes a look and gives us...

Bigfoot Cornered In West Branch, Michigan??

This video was uploaded to youtube by dementedpix. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look at it and gave his thoughts. What do you think? ...

Moon Hoax Claim - Breakdown

Is it true that Neil Armstrong's moon boots kept at the Smithsonian don't match his footprint on the moon? The answer may surprise y...

UFO Sighting Caught On Tape? This One Will Blow Your Mind - Breakdown

Here is a look at an old UFO video by Phil Poling of Parabreakdown. Hope you enjoy. and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

Woman Vanishes During Live TV Broadcast - Breakdown

Is this an alien, optical illusion or something else? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at the footage and gives his thoughts. What ...

First Sasquatch Captured On Video - Breakdown

Did this man capture a Bigfoot on camera backing away from him? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown gives us his take. What do you think? and check...

The Goatman - A Campfire Tale

With the recent Goatman sightings in the news, I thought it would be a time to hear the story from Phil Poling of Parabreakdown. Hope you en...

UFO Dives Into Ocean to Escape Human Pusuit - Breakdown

This video which has been around has been making the rounds again. In it a UFO which is being pursued by a helicopter takes a dive into the ...

Montana Bigfoot Sighting - Classic Breakdown

Check out this classic breakdown by Phil Poling of Parabreakdown. Two guys film a bigfoot in the snow. Or do they? You decide. and check out...

Strange Figure On Wildlife Camera - Classic Breakdown

What the is this? A fairy? An alien? A vampire? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a closer look at this. What do you think? and check this o...

Mantracker Bigfoot Video - Classic Breakdown

Was there some kind of Sasquatch type creature seen on the TV show, Mantracker? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown sent this classic breakdown int...

Incredible Bigfoot Footage - Classic Breakdown

Here is another classic breakdown from Phil Poling over at Parabreakdown. What is that dark figure walking in the woods? Do you believe? and...

Mothman Caught On Camera In Argentina? (Breakdown)

This image has been being toted around as the mothman caught on camera in Argentina. Well Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look to give u...

Sasquatch Caught On Video By Chinese Tourists - Classic Breakdown

So what WAS that strange creature lurking in the dark forests of British Columbia? and check this out...

3000 Mile Wide Disc Caught By ISS? (Breakdown)

This image has resurfaced on the internet of a supposed UFO caught by the International Space Station. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a l...

Floating City in Orange, CA Debunked

DAHBOO77 pointed out an image from a twitter account that showed, Orange, CA with the same city as the one seen in China. But this is defini...