Showing posts with label Alien. Show all posts

5 Strongest Signs Of Aliens & Alien Life

From CCTV footage of two believed men in black looking for UFO witnessers to the believed sighting of extraterrestrials on the moon and orbi...

5 Most Believable Encounters People Have Had With Extraterrestrials

The existence of aliens is one of life's unanswered questions, but there is no denying that millions of people believe they have had enc...

The 1967 Abduction of Patrolman Herb Schirmer

In 1967 Herb Schirmer was abducted by strange beings. Check out his full story. and check this out... THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught By NASA On Mars

From lights shooting out of the ground to monoliths, here is a look at five mysterious photos caught by NASA on Mars. and check this out...

Alien Or Demon Shot By Farmer - Breakdown

Is this the clearest video of La Tunda every shown? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at the footage and gives us his thoughts. What...

Area 51 And The Illuminati

The Fortean Slip looks at the movie Area 51 and talks about the Illuminati. They also discuss Bigfoot research in Pennsylvania, a man abduct...

Incredible UFO Sightings 2016

Check out this video of various supposed UFOs from around the globe. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

Alien Base Complex On The Moon

These pictures, taken from the Lunar Orbiter satellite, appear to show two large structures on the surface of the moon. These rectangular ob...

Pascagoula Alien Abduction 1973

On October 11th 1973 while fishing on the Pascagoula River, Charlie Hickson and Calvin Parker had an encounter with strange beings. This is ...

13 Mysterious Photos From Mars

From the 'Woman Walking on Mars' to the pyramid formations seen there, here is a look at thirteen mysterious photos from Mars. What ...

Aliens in Dulce, New Mexico?

Why do so many people think there's an underground base in Dulce, New Mexico? and check this out.

Bigfoot and UFO Deaths With Nick Redfern

Nick Redfern talks about his book 'Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind'. He also talks about Bigfoot, monsters and the paranormal in ...

Did A UFO Just Crash Into Jupiter?

On March 17th 2016 something crashed into Jupiter. Was it a UFO? Probably not but its always fun to imagine. Check out the video of the impa...

Is This Island A Portal To Another World?

Hy'Brasil is very similar to the lost city of Atlantis -- the key difference being that Hy'Brasil actually has many first person acc...

5 Space Discoveries & Mysteries That Could Prove Alien Life Exists

From the mysterious bright spots on a Dwarf Planet to the unexplained dimming of a Star 1500 light years away from earth. Here are five spac...

NFL Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Saw A UFO Over New Jersey

Aaron Rodgers told the podcast “You Made It Weird,” that he and his buddies saw what could only be described as an unidentified flying objec...

EERIE Pic Of Giant Robot Walking On Clouds Outside Plane

This image captured by Nick O'Donoghue from out the window of an airplane. Is this a robot in the clouds? What do you think? and check t...

UFO Sighting Caught On Tape? This One Will Blow Your Mind - Breakdown

Here is a look at an old UFO video by Phil Poling of Parabreakdown. Hope you enjoy. and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

Bigfoot-like Creature Boards A UFO And Flies Away

In 1980 in a remote section of the Andes mountains, two men encountered a bigfoot-like creature as it boarded a UFO and flew away. This is t...

Did A Psychic Vision Point To A Killer?

The Fortean Slip 101 The Oh Brother Where Art Thou Episode. This week Chris and the fellas discuss why the show has been on hiatus yet again...