Showing posts with label Alien. Show all posts

Stunning Off-World Alien Ship (Commentary)

This is a commentary on the butterfly alien ship supposedly recorded by a Father and Son. It's not a breakdown. It's a commentary......

Massive UFO Disc Caught Over India (Breakdown)

These images of a UFO over India have been making their way across the intertubes. Now Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this and...

Top 5 Photos of Life on Mars?

A fun look at some of the photos from the Curiosity Rover on Mars. Are these pictures proof of life on Mars? Or just tricks of the light? an...

Mysterious Object Dubbed WT1190F On Collision Course With Earth.

Researchers have discovered some space junk hurtling toward Earth, and they aren't exactly sure what it is. Video provided by Newsy News...

5 Terrifying Encounters With The Men In Black

The MIB are believed to be be government agents or undercover aliens who harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they...

Top 10 Most Mysterious UFO Sightings

From a terrorized town in Brazil to a close encounter by schoolchildren in Zimbabwe, thousands of people all over the world have seen things...

Russia Declassified Secret Images From Venus That May Show Extraterrestrial Life?

The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published a series of photographs, taken by the Venera probe which may show...

Former Air Force Pilot Witnessed UFO Crash, Claims They Were Not Human

Air Force Colonel and pilot Robert Willingham said he saw a UFO crash near the border with Mexico in 1955 while piloting a F86. He and three...

Rock Formation On Mars Resembles Buddha

Here we go again. Ufologists are going crazy over this new picture from the surface of Mars. Is this a statue of the Buddha? Down below is t...

Alien Invasion? Watch Multiple UFOs Descend On Earth

The bizarre clip shows one bright light descending from the sky before it suddenly splits into dozens of twinkling objects. What do you thin...

13 Most Mysterious UFO Sightings Ever

From a UFO that analysts have claimed was just a weather balloon, to mysterious flying objects appearing and disappearing within a matter of...

8 Things The US Government Doesn't Want You To Know

From hiding aliens to Project MK Ultra, here are 8 things the government does not want you to know. and check out our news from this week. T...

10 Moon Photos That Cannot Be Explained?

Here is yet another round of photos from the moon with supposed alien activity on the surface. What do you think? Are these photos showing a...

The Visit, Bigfoot Graffiti Artist Caught, And Man Points Flashlights At UFO

The Fortean Slip News 84 This week Chris and Steve look at a review of The Visit, a Bigfoot graffiti artist that has been caught and a man p...

5 Mysterious Sightings of Real Men in Black - Dark5

Are they government agents or something more... alien? Often showing up after UFO sightings or extraterrestrial incidents, Dark5tv presents ...

5 Most Believable Alien Encounters In History

The existence of aliens is one of life's unanswered questions, but there is no denying that millions of people believe they have had enc...

Kentucky Witnesses See Slow Moving UFO

The Fortean Slip News 89 This week Chris and the fellas talk about a discussion about Killing Bigfoot getting hairy, Oregon's first week...

The Book That Can't Be Read - Mystery Documentaries

Named after  Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912, the Voynich manuscript is a book that truly is a mystery. Looke...

Flatwoods Monster - Extraterrestrial Or Cryptid?

The Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster or the Phantom of Flatwoods, is an alleged unidentified extraterrestrial or ...

Area 51 Surrounding Land Being Taken By The Government?

The land surrounding the infamous Area 51 is going to be taken by the government if the landowners don't accept their last best deal. Th...