Showing posts sorted by date for query The Exorcist Haunted House. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Alabama Exorcist Dies, Child Tortured For Being A Witch And Haunted House Moving

The Fortean Slip News 72 This week Chris and Steve are joined by Matt Knapp as they discuss the death of an Alabama exorcist, a child tortur...

5 Most Haunted Houses In The World

Haunted homes are all around us, when a resident or someone who has a connection to the house has passed away there spirit often lives on wi...

Terrifying tales of real life EXORCIST

The Exorcist: Rev Tom Willis In a lifetime dealing with the supernatural, he says he has seen things that cannot be explained, including o...

10 Paranormal Movies "loosely" Based on True Events (video)

Movies based around the paranormal have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Thanks to Paranormal Activity , the paranormal...

French family claims injuries caused by paranormal activity.

(Translated French to English) At Nortbécourt, when it comes to haunted house, everyone knows what is involved. Mayor Jean-Marie BECLIN, was...

My Amityville Horror the documentary, still haunts family member (trailer video)

Of all the unexplained phenomena that swirled through the faddish 1970s, from the ancient aliens in the book "Chariots of the Gods?&qu...

Tsunami survivors in Japan haunted by ghosts turn to exorcists. (video)

HIGASHI-MATSUSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - The tsunami that engulfed northeastern Japan two years ago has left some survivors believing they ar...

THE PEOPLE'S COURT Case of the Tom's River Haunted House (video)

Several months ago a family moved into a house in Tom's River N.J. after one week they moved out claiming the house was haunted, the lan...

Exorcist called in to Purge Demons

Exorcising demons from possessed souls and removing poltergeists from Welsh homes are two of the more unusual jobs taken on by the Bishop of...