Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts

Did a Ghost pull this toddler to the ground ?? (video)

Lexi suddenly falls over inexplicably Does this home video show a young girl being pushed to the floor by a ghost? That’s what the parents ...

Schoolgirls photograph the Ghost of the Grey Lady (bonus video)

                                                                                                                It is believed the spectre i...

A tall mysterious figure keeps being seen in a Haunted UK pub

When things go bump in the night, who are you going to call? One man asked himself just that after funny things started happening in his p...

Google Street View captures a ghost at abandoned orphanage

A ghostly child’s face has been spotted in the window of an abandoned orphange on Google Street View. The image, which came to light on yes...

Paranormal group claim to capture gost on film (video)

Paranormal team film shadowy figure seemingly walk passed a series of windows in a building with no one on the other side    Seft...

Ghost appears in Snapchat "selfie"

Two women from Newcastle took a ‘selfie’ they later found to be photo-bombed by a scary ghost-like Victorian figure. Kayley Atkinson and...